On a Genuine Cosmic Religion and an Introduction to Water Meditations

(Note: For the full essay, see http://williammistele.com/watermeditations12012021.pdf)


Water Exercise



Introduction—A Genuine Cosmic Religion

Links to water meditation videos

Story of King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba

Incarnated Mermaids

Traits of Mermaid Women

Mermaid Tantra

Link to manuscript, How to Speak Mermaid

Other online mermaid links


Water Meditations

 Of the many states of consciousness studied by human beings, the vibration of water is the least known and understood. One Taoist master said to me, “It is impossible to teach Westerners how to meditate on the water element.” He taught the other four elements but not water.

  Of the fifty or so masters I have taken seminars from, none of them had the vibration of water in their auras. There is no lineage, no tradition, and no temples of the water element or of mermaids and mermen. Jesus said of his disciples, “Out of their bellies shall flows streams of living water.” But this prophecy has not been fulfilled even after a very long two thousand years.

  Though there are token uses of water in religious rituals, there are no serious prayers, sacraments, or liturgical practices that evoke the healing and purifying virtues of water. If you watch an outdoor baptism, it is like the baptized individual is trying to get out of the water as fast as humanly possible. Water is an unknown domain within the landscape of the soul. 

  [Note: There are of course water related deities whose practitioners perform rituals and worship. The priests and/or priestesses in such religions inherently exert power and authority. By contrast, (and you can decide this for yourself through your own observations) the mermaid “queens,” though possessing power, have as of yet no formal presence in human societies. They are an intelligence within the waters of the earth—the oceans, lakes, and rivers. When they relax, the water element itself is the only thing present in their auras. They embody and identify with the water element.]   

   On the other hand, as difficult as working with water may be, water offers fabulous benefits for those who can place their consciousness within it. Those with the vibration of water never lose their innocence. This means that traumatic past experiences do not limit their ability to give all of themselves in the present moment.

  Water is self-purifying. Its vibration dissolves fear, sorrow, unhappiness, sadness, anxiety, and depression. Water annihilates loneliness.   

  Water offers renewal. It fulfills your dreams. It makes things whole and complete. Christopher Columbus put it this way: “And the sea shall grant each man new hope, as sleep brings dreams of home.”

  You will notice, for example, after you succeed in water mediations, that people otherwise indifferent to you now enjoy being around you. They do not understand why, but your energy makes them feel more alive, more whole, and new.  


 We can begin by meditating on the feet. Recall that blood is around 82 percent water. Using our imagination, we can put off to the side the other components in blood and concentrate on the water content. 

  Focus on the feet and imagine just water instead of blood is flowing through them. Some people will be able to feel this sensation directly, but it is sufficient to imagine the sensation.

  Flowing water has these properties. It is cool, yielding, receptive, purifying, endlessly adaptable, receiving energy into itself, storing it, and then releasing. Become fully aware of these aspects of water so that they are the only thing in your awareness.

  Along with the physical sensations of flowing water, there are the feelings that accompany or are behind and underneath them. Water is soothing, nurturing, renewing, healing, serene, calming, refreshing, bringing to life and making fully alive, and vivacious.    

  Selfishness, jealousy, and resentment are foreign to its nature. Though protective, sheltering, and nurturing, it does not allot any time to the need to feel important, validating one’s identity, or being possessive. Put simply, water is innocent and endlessly giving. But be careful thinking it easy to exploit and to direct. There are also no ends to its depths and it embraces all that exists.

   This meditation can be done every day. You can begin focusing on the sensations of water flowing through the feet. You can then extend this flowing sensation up to the lower legs and gradually through the rest of your body. Or you can begin with the feet and then imagine water flowing through the entire body.

  The feelings associated with flowing water may appear spontaneously. Or you can focus on each feeling by itself, such as the calming sensation or a spontaneous feeling of happiness.

  Later on, you may feel it is effortless to sense a connection between the flowing water in your body and images of water in nature such as a mountain waterfall, a stream, a river, lakes, an ocean bay and the sea.

   For more on the water element, see my books, Undines—Lessons from the Realm of the Water Spirits and also The Four Elements.

Cold Water

Imagine cold water. For example, you can start by simply imagining your feet are immersed in ice cold water. See the video link for images such as taking an ice bath. Gradually, you can extend this sensation through your whole body.

  Cold water absorbs and stores heat releasing it as needed. There are psychological aspects of producing in yourself icy cold water sensations. You feel connected to feminine energy. We all have a lower brain memory of being immersed in water when we were a fetus in a womb. That residual memory carries with it a sense of peace, comfort, safety, and bliss.  

  The sensation of cold water also enables an individual to feel united to water in nature. If you can feel cold water in your body, it is then easy imagine that your nervous system extends outward into water in a lake, a river, or the sea.

  When I look back and review my most stressful or traumatic memories, I can imagine how things might have turned out different. I can reframe the memories pointing out to myself that those experiences were necessary for me to learn something. Or I can talk about them and think about them in different ways. But even so a lot of the stress still remains.

  However, when I imagine I am immersed in icy cold water and review those same memories, there is no stress or pain present. I am no longer affected by those experiences.  

  I often point out that the bodies of men are too hot. Taking a cold shower or taking an ice bath does not do the trick. The cold water sensation has to be internalized. At which point, the male begins to balance himself with his female counterpart. He begins to acquire a calmness, receptivity, and a healing power that relationships themselves do not express to this extent.

  When your concentration on the sensation of cold water starts to feel real, take a few minutes after each practice to process the experience. The physical sensation of cold water in our world resonates with an astral vibration of water.

  This astral sensation of cold water produces feelings. These feelings embody an entire kingdom, vast mansions of the soul, in which you can experience innocence, all-embracing love, healing, renewal, a soothing relaxation and release, etc. The range of these feelings is found in Bardon’s description of the cosmic letters of G, CH, J, M, N, and W on the astral level in his book, The Key to the True Kabbalah.    


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