The first test of a genuine cosmic religion is that, through spiritual means, it ends wars on earth forever.

 Question: From your perspective, how do we eliminate wars? Is it a matter of trust, of neutralizing malice, glorification of one’s own nation and history, greed? What do you think is going on?

Response: All I ask of world leaders is that they do not lie, deceive, or steal. That they do not act in a selfish manner and that they be free of corruption. That they be fair and just. That they solve a problem on its own terms without perpetuating the interests of specific groups or political organizations. And that they build things of great value that endure. It is my personal preference that they act according to the above. “Let justice fill the earth as water covers the seas” is a divine ideal. As an ideal, it represents a state of peace and elevated consciousness to be strived for.

  After all, we elect and pay politicians to solve problems. We do not pay them to say bad things about other people so they can pursue their first priority which is to get reelected. We do not pay them to lie and to deceive us so we feel more comfortable and they can pretend they are doing a good job. We do not pay them to espouse a particular ideology or political agenda so that they can pretend they are doing what is right and anyone else not on board with their agenda is doing something less than what is right.

  I feel that right now we have the “spiritual technology” to eliminate corruption in governments and to end wars forever. For me, knowing this, I can assert that the first test of a genuine cosmic religion is (through spiritual means) to end wars on earth. Love/compassion and enlightenment/wisdom produce less than minimal results without trained spiritual people whose “presence,” (the influence of their auras and thoughts) automatically and forcefully dissolve malice, greed, narcissism, and the insatiable craving for power.

  I say this because there is a state of consciousness, of formless awareness, in which negativity cannot exist. Its presence dissolves hated, selfishness, and malice. Anyone can practice it and so anyone can contribute to global peace and justice between nations. The responsibility to produce results falls on us all.

  And, with some training, we can have people who not only can read other’s thoughts. Their empathy is so great they can relive other’s life experience. And their commitment to power and justice are so great they can they can tell others “You cannot maintain your power if you are going to harm other people in the process. You can have your free will but if you want to do evil you will have to go practice it on some other planet.”

  This can be said because trained magicians are able to speak to others with the voice at the core of their being that commands every cell in their physical body, every nerve ending, and every fiber of their soul, mind, and spirit. Like I say, if a religion or wisdom tradition is not insisting on and enforcing justice, then it is not doing its job.

  From my perspective, looking back on forty-one years of meditating on dictators, what people fail to notice is how dictators are incredibly dedicated to pursuing power. Their whole being is focused on this pursuit.

  If you make the mistake of thinking that they just need love and inspiration to see the light, you are in effect giving blood to a vampire. They can present themselves as charming, as saviors of the people, as someone who can restore order and bring back glory and honor to their country, but their whole being is negative. Their primary commitment is not to building or to be constructive but to destroying—to crushing anyone who opposes them.

  The study of magic in large part is focused on manifesting things. You take an idea, a purpose, or a visualization and you amplify it, putting energy and feeling into it, until it becomes a solid, stable reality in our world. But you see there are dictators who are in effect already really skilled magicians.

  I send an hour and a half each day in meditation. I know a famous martial arts master who trains for six hours a day with an additional three hours in meditation. He complains that his son only practices three hours a day. But some of these dictators spend ten hours a day 100% focused on what they do—maintaining and acquiring more power. Thinking you can inspire them to change with your devout, loving heart is nonsense. Some of them are heirs to a political dynasty or political system going back generations. They have perfected their control over people’s minds and wills.

  And not only that. They have a powerful support system. There are chiefs of intelligence organizations, military leaders, and political operatives who are totally committed to them. Some political systems are so integrated that it is impossible to overthrow or change them from within that nation. They simply exercise too much control. The police state is total. Without a second thought, they would sacrifice half of their nation’s population if that is what it takes to keep them in power.

  All the same, for a trained magician, you can “practice” your mediation inside of the aura of a dictator as if you are the dictator himself doing that meditation. His aura serves as a transmitter that broadcasts his energy to everyone in his nation. He can ignore your meditation, which is his right and freedom to do, but that vibration extends outward from him to everyone he is connected to.

  Instead of power and corruption, you visualize freedom, justice, fairness, safety, health, education, developing infrastructure, industry, and laying the foundations for a better future. And if you are practicing the formless void meditation also, you slowly dissolve the power he has in place which he uses to control and to harm others.

  Eventually, you get politicians who before they are even elected pass your test: no selfishness, no abuses of power, no corruption, no manipulating others, no lying, no injustice, etc. No one will want the job of leading a country if they know there are professionals out there who read their minds and who awaken their conscience to do good rather than evil.

  If you do not put in place a spiritual educational system and produce individuals committed to justice, you will face a dystopia in the near future where literally billions of people are sacrificed so that a few in power can have their $500 million dollar yachts, palatial retreats, and billions of dollars of other people’s money in their retirement funds.    

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