The Element of Water on the Physical, Astral, Mental, and Akashic Planes


(C) William R. Mistele, 2022


Note: See also my essay on water:


Note: I will do a short video in a few days on facebook for meditating on water on the four planes. This is the seventh session of my on-line class on the water element. I am slowly working through all five elements. See my facebook timeline.  



The method is simple. Just imagine water inside your body or around yourself. For example, begin by focusing on your feet. Imagine cool water rather than blood is flowing through your feet and your whole body.

  As we explore water in ourselves through direct, first-hand experience, we can also look ahead into the future and imagine various ways in which human beings can evolve. I call that line of study—spiritual anthropology.


Water in the Physical Plane


If I imagine cool water flowing through my feet and my body, I notice right away various sensations. The water is soothing, calming, purifying, relaxing, renewing, and healing.

  It takes some effort on my part to pursue this meditation. But after a few years (or decades) the simple meditation has noticeable effects. It is like an internal Tylenol. It gets rid of or lessons headaches, eye strain, muscle tension, etc. With time, it also is easy to associate the sensations of water in my body to water in nature such as lakes, streams, oceans, and the magnetosphere of the planet.

  There are also metaphysical implications to this practice. In spiritual anthropology, we ask in regard to religions and wisdom or spiritual traditions, “What do they say they are doing? What can you notice they are doing?

  “What are their practices and how much time do they spend on them? What are the observable results of what they practice? Is there anything that can be extracted from this tradition that is universal in nature? That is, you can take something they do and teach it to anybody without having to refer back to their doctrines, beliefs, philosophies, or the historical era in which it arose?”

  I have not observed anyone doing the above simple water meditation outside of hermetic magical traditions. The most interesting thing I have learned is that men’s bodies are too hot. Not being taught how to produce the water vibration in one’s body, men do not know how to completely relax at will and experience peace and serenity such as an absolute sense of inner pace that is in harmony with the universe.

 The result is that men are far more connected to fire and electricity. And so we have all sorts of inventions that make life better based on fire and electricity; but we lack the empathy, love, and instant inner connection soul to soul and heart to heart with others that arises from the water element.

  I like to suggest that if men or women could bring into their consciousness this vibration of water, they could hold another person’s hand. And if that person relaxes, he or she would fall into a state of bliss.

  The only thing even remotely similar to this experience of bliss comes from sex. The element of water is in sex but it does not enter consciousness in a way that leads to the transformation of the self. It does not lead to a peace that is in harmony with the universe. Or, put another way, it takes some training to get sex to go in that direction.


Water in the Astral Plane


The astral body is similar to the physical body. For example:


Astral body: The astral body pertains to the realm of the soul, to feelings and emotions. The astral body is in the shape of the physical body but is made of a subtler substance. It is receptive and responsive in the present moment to who you are with and the situation you are in. The depth and variety of feelings expressed through the astral body are what enables us to feel fully alive.

  Astral Plane: The astral plane surrounds and penetrates the physical world. Sometimes referred to as the “other side,” the “world beyond,” or “the next world,” the astral plane contains many realms and kingdoms.  

  According to firsthand accounts, the astral plane can be visited through astral projection, psychic perception, meditation, lucid dreaming, near death and out of body experiences, and other means.  

  The astral plane offers elemental energies that nurture our souls the way food, water, and sunlight provide energy that keeps our bodies alive in the physical world. Without the benevolent support of the astral plane, when people die there would be nothing left of us since there would be nothing to sustain the soul when it is not attached to a physical body.  

 The astral plane operates by different laws than the physical world. Matter in our world has shape, weight, chemistry, and density. A rock can exist for billions of years in the same form as do some meteorites you can find lying around on the ground. And this dense matter of the physical world stores immense amounts of energy. Ten pounds of uranium can destroy a city. No one goes around destroying cities on the astral plane. 

  Our physical world is governed by linear time producing history where one event follows another. Work hard. Produce material and cultural wealth and what you accomplish enriches the world. At the same time, the physical world is characterized by limitations that we strive to overcome in order to survive and to succeed in our endeavors.

  By contrast, the astral plane has no planting and no harvesting, no sex and no reproduction. The soul is sustained by an energy field that encompasses the planet. If you imagine something, then unlike in our world, there is no delay between what you imagine and what manifests. 

  Time and space as well are different. If you wish to be somewhere then you are there. No need for horse, boat, bus, or plane. In the physical world you will meet people with whom you have nothing in common. This does not happen on the astral plane. People associate with others who are of a similar vibration.

  The astral plane is like a sea of energy that we are all immersed within. It supports every feeling, every personality, every culture, every religion, and every path of life. And it stores a nearly incomprehensible spectrum of sensations, feelings, and ecstasies, many of which are outside of the human imagination.

  You can be an adept at lucid dreaming where you wake up in your dreams each night. And in your lucid dreaming you can also shift from personal dreaming to moving among the kingdoms of the astral plane. And yet all the explorers of human history have only made brief excursions into these mysterious astral realms.       


When I focus on water being inside of and around my astral body, I immediately sense its vibration qualities are kindness, gentleness, tenderness, and affection. It is giving and produces pure, 100% empathy.

  There is a sense that “what is within you is within me; I am within and a part of you.” Some people tell me, “My partner and I share the same soul.” It is that kind of deep, “natural” feeling of connection to another. Obviously, if you can produce such feelings in yourself at will then in effect you annihilate loneliness and the sense of separation that haunts mankind down through the ages.   

 You can try the above exercise and discover for yourself the astral vibration of water. What I notice is that this experience of an inner connection to others is simply not known in our world religions, in our societies, and psychology. They do not teach it at Harvard or Cambridge. And you will notice that all the Nobel Prize winners for literature do not have the faintest awareness of its existence.   

  And yet this is the vibration of water itself on the astral plane. I am not contacting the mermaid realm, any magical kingdoms, realms of lineage masters, or “mansions of the soul” in the astral plane. Practice hermetic magic for a few years and you can create in yourself or simply find what is already present in your own astral body—“an innocence that is never lost and a love that has no end to its giving.”


See also the Sea of Love Meditation and the Beautiful Park Meditation which are typical of astral water.


The Sea of Love Meditation is in the earlier link:


The Beautiful Park Meditation is in the essay:



Water in the Mental Plane


 The vibration of water on the astral plane produces an empathy in which you feel what other’s feel. It some cases, it is like the empath’s astral body flows through another person so that the empath feels exactly what the other person is feeling. The empath in effect adopts the other’s feelings as if they are his or her own.

  Mental plane empathy is different. You “understand” what others are going through. It is the “If you were in their situation, how would you feel?”

  People who read my books sometimes write and say to me, “You are the only one who understands me” or “It is like you are inside of my head” or “You know me better than anyone else.” Sometimes when I read someone’s aura the person says, “You are insanely accurate” meaning they do not understand how I could know certain things about them.

  With mental empathy, you understand what makes others feel alive. You can imitate this by sometimes asking others about what activity is the most exciting for them. As they respond, they light up. They imagine doing something that fills them with energy, with enthusiasm, and passion.

  Graphic imagination is another quality of the vibration of water on the mental plane. With graphic imagination, you place yourself in another situation or the future as if you are there right now walking around and talking to people.

    Corporations and engineers design nuclear reactors. They review statistics and probabilities that project the percent of failure for their systems. They say, “It is one chance in a thousand that the reactor will melt down.”

  But they lack graphic imagination. They do not “perceive” the future as if they are there. It is nearly impossible for a nuclear physicist or engineer or corporate CEO to imagine the actual situation of a reactor melting down. And so they do not develop a Plan B, a backup plan for when disaster happens. Is there any better way to account for the colossal incompetence of a Chernobyl or Fukushima?      

  A third quality of the mental water vibration is being able to “see” another person’s better self. Some people do not just “see” the person in front of them. They also “see” the person’s future self or the “better self” that the individual can become.

  They look at someone and imagine what this person would be like if his problems were solved, his conflicts resolved, and his purposes clear. They imagine his motivation and inspiration fully operational so he is self-assured, free of doubt, and has made the best choices. In other words, they see the individual as being highly successful in every way appropriate for him or her.

  Often when you look at someone in this way, there is an observable effect on the other person. For one, the other person may get the feeling that you are in touch with what is deep inside of him. And it is clearer to the other person when he is choosing his best course of action. You are being supportive and also reminding someone that they can be better.

  Some who can see others in this way often see the other person in the present and in the future in the same moment. If you imagine yourself to be in the future talking right now with someone’s future self, then when you suggest to the person what he may become your words have more force. You are not speaking hypothetically but rather of something that is 100% real to you.

  This too is an aspect of “graphic imagination.” You are not using just your mind. The water vibration enables you to imagine with your whole being that you are in the future situation.

  You can take this further. You can see the other’s better self as if that self is more real than the person who is in front of you right now. In this case, you help bring through the traits of his evolved self. In other words, you are able to focus on what is exciting to others, what makes them feel more alive, and bring those things to the forefront so they energize and uplift another’s life.   


I love your eyes

So quiet and peaceful

A place to let go and forget who I am

Until I awaken to the sound of waves breaking

And the scent of the sea

I see the man I am meant to be

Walking toward me

Your eyes dream him into being.


Mental empathy also appears in love relationships. A spirit of Venus put it this way, “In regard to relationships, you would not be getting your money’s worth, would you? Unless you feel to some extent you are within your lover living her life along with her.”

  This above is the astral plane empathy of “feeling in and a part of another person, feeling you are sharing the same soul” combined with the mental plane clarity of active imagination that continuously creates and renews the sense of oneness.

  Astral empathy feels what other’s feel so easily that it usually ignores the other person’s mind. Astral empathy, being so direct, lacks curiosity. A lot of extremely gifted empaths have never said to me, “I want to get to know you better? I want to understand who you are?” And so the astral empath can completely miss when another person feels anguish or despair, which are states of mind. Focused as they are in the present moment, they can miss the issues of life that may weigh upon others or the deep purposes they are seeking to fulfill.’


Water on the Akashic Plane


Why is it I never hear from any tradition that “The earth will be filled with love as water covers the seas.” Gaia, the planet earth itself, is alive. She says, “Every lover desires another to feel what she feels.”

  Gaia, operating on an akashic level, feels one with all living beings. She feels within them and a part of them, supporting them, guiding, inspiring, and uplifting them. She supports all paths of life and seeks to fulfill life in every conceivable way.   

  This is the vibration of the water element on the akashic level. It is something to find yourself and to identify with. We all have been given a limited amount of energy. This energy is something to learn to appreciate. We are to understand its limitations, how to take care of it, and also how to increate it in positive ways.

  Connecting to water on the akashic plane goes further. It is one way of identifying with Divine Providence or finding Divine Providence within yourself. It enables you to experience a divine level of purity and also to speak to others with a divine voice. Since you seek to fulfill other’s lives in every way, you can inspire them and unite them to work on behalf of the whole.   

  Without the physical vibration of water, men are irritable, restless, and excessively competitive. They are burning up inside. They take risks that threaten their own and other’s existence solely for the sake of their egotistical striving for power and glory.

  Without the astral water, they are cursed by extroversion. They have no inner connection to others. They do not conserve and protect life. They use others to further their own wills.

 Without mental water, fire and electricity are overdeveloped in science, technology, and in society. We possess a vast array of electrical and electronic inventions. And yet a Putin, an Ayatollah, a Xi Jingping, or a Kim Jong Un can put most of the human race back into the stone age within thirty-five minutes with a few well-placed nuclear air bursts.

  These dictators have cosmic powers of fire at their command. But without water, no one knows how to calm them down and align them with the matrix of life that nurtures and preserves rather than dominates and destroys. Akashic water fully authorizes us to act, to intervene, to dream of, and to create a better world.  
















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