The Council of Angels Part II By William R. Mistele (C) 02/06/2022 (from meditating on the head of the 15 th lunar mansion—Emnepe) And it came to pass that seven mighty angels, Lords of Creation, appeared before the throne of God—He who is unknowable, mysterious, ineffable, and beyond all comprehension. This was the second time the Council sought advice from the creator regarding how to deal with human beings who abuse their powers by harming others. And the first mighty angel, he who speaks on behalf of the others, spoke boldly. Now this was not arrogance or presumption on his part. He just knew from past experience that God was going to begin by having him review all that has gone before in order to reach the bottom line and get to the point of the discussion. And so the Lord of Creation reviewed what he understood the main issues to be. He said, “You have given human beings, all of them, air to breathe. You have given them water to ...
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